7. Consensus System

Proof of Authority (PoA) is an algorithm that provides a blockchain consensus mechanism as an alternative to Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. It offers a more flexible consensus mechanism, showing better performance in transactions per second, and relies on the validator's reputation. In networks based on Proof of Authority, transactions and blocks are validated by approved accounts known as "validators." Validators run the software that allows them to process transactions in blocks. This process runs automatically, and validators do not need to constantly monitor their computers. However, the authority node must remain uncompromised. To become a validator, individuals must earn and deserve this position and maintain it. Validators are incentivized to support the transaction process by adding a reputation to their identity. On the other hand, Proof of Authority only allows non-consecutive block approval by any validator. PoA is a highly suitable algorithm for both private networks and public networks like PoA networks, where security is crucial due to its reliability and performance.

Security Proof of Authority is an algorithm that provides a consensus mechanism based on the stake of identity to perform relatively fast transactions using blockchain technology. With the increase in the number of stakes, the validation mechanism continues to strengthen the security mechanism. All project owners on Bitcichain are entitled to become consensus partners and contribute to network security.

Data Security The processing of ROSA user data will be carried out within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK") and the General Data Protection Regulation, where applicable. ROSA places maximum importance on the privacy and data security of its users and meets the regulatory requirements for personal data protection. All personal data collected from users is stored on servers accessible via VPN connections and cannot be accessed externally except by authorized personnel. ROSA securely stores the data you provide for the period specified in the applicable legislation and takes all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access or collection of the information you share, as required by KVKK and applicable legislation.

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